Hello and welcome to the latest and most likely the last community update from 2010. It has been a good year with so many great releases that we should be happy about it. Let's give 2010 a round of applause and wish 2011 could be just as great as this year that is comming to an end. Also, we are thankful for NoobFeed to keep providing us all the gaming content, and also its members for giving us such wonderful ideas in the shape of blogs, forum threads and a variety of kewl things...


Probably you all already know because we are sure that you check the forums everyday, but it's never too late to welcome two new writers, Buckley and CallMeLuke . Either you CallhimBuckey or CallhimLuke, one thing is for sure, these two individuals will certainly give their best to satisfy this community by pulling their talented minds and provide content in order to fill the pages of NoobFeed.com. 

User Blogs

In the last couple of weeks we had some great blog posts that are worth mentioning. Editorials, thoughts about games, opinions and rants are part of this update: 


Gaming Gadgets Digest (November Edition)

Stories in Games

Spike VGAs

Finally tackling Alan Wake (thoughts so far)

The State of Australian Gaming

Forum Threads

All the threads are vagabonding in the General Games Discussion, which seems a good place to discuss about games, but we would like to encourage you to travel to other locations in the NF planet. 

Which game disappointed you the most in 2010?

What aspects of a game do you value the most? 

Games you want to buy in 2011?

Xmas Ask the Dalf

Online Events

Our suggestion is to keep checking the link below for all the updates. Also, we would like you to give us ideas about upcoming online events that we could implement on the site.

Community Game Night

I think we aren't over this year, so be sure to check all around NoobFeed for the GOTY 2010 awards!! 

See you all in Twenty Eleven!! 

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • can't say i didn't know about most things there, but it's always nice to get an update like this. nice job :D

    Posted Dec 27, 2010

  • It's good to have the community blog back

    Posted Dec 27, 2010
  • avatar RON

    I'm happy to see how the GGD board activity has increased and at the same time a little disappointed to see how the blogging/commenting activities has decreased.

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

  • High five for the community blog, nicely done. 2010 has been a great year for games and I can't wait for 2011 (it brings us the 3DS :D)

    @RON - I find it intresting that as soon as I join the conversation at the GGD board you say the activity has increased, I carry more weight around here than I thought :P

    Posted Dec 28, 2010

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