It isn’t all cheer when it comes to holidays. Sometimes, people resort to opportunism when faced with our merciful deeds. Such people include Charles Everett Hinton, who stole donated consoles from children cancer patients, but was luckily apprehended later on.

Noobfeed News - Charles Everett Hinton
Charles Everett Hinton caught on tape, during his Levine Pediatric Center robbery


But this next story goes just one small fiendish step further, when faced with an easily solved moral dilemma: A man, 37-year-old Jody Lynn Bennett of Mentcle Pa., saw his opportunity to desecrate and steal a Game Boy, Game Boy Light and three cartridges from a corpse. When 17-year-old Bradley “Boog” David-McCombs Jr. was killed in an SUV accident on Christmas, his family was planning to send him off with his Nintendo handheld. It is then, during a public viewing of Boog’s casket, that Bennett lifted the items and ran off after being confronted by family members of the fallen victim.

Luckily, like the previous story, good prevailed in the end and Bennett was apprehended on Wednesday, after a kind soul made an anonymous tip. He is currently in jail with charges of theft, abuse of a corpse, and intentional desecration of a venerated object, after failing to post bail set to $15,000. Bennett’s family admits that he had been suffering from substance abuse and apologizes for his lesser behavior.

Noobfeed News - Jody Lynn Bennett in custody
Jody Lynn (a man's name) Bennett, safely in hands of Pennsylvania State Police


It’s hard to not get angry and go "Come on!"  when hearing such low acts being done at our most fragile state. Yours truly has picked up some articles where the journalistic integrity was ‘lesser,’ so to say. Hereby, let us all try to focus on the fact that justice has been served and crime does not pay, without having to lower ourselves.

Enjoy your holidays and the time with your families and please, be safe.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed.

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  • My fiance was telling me about this last night. That's a seriously low state in humanity. I'm so thankful he was caught.

    Posted Dec 30, 2010

  • Sad in all aspects of the word.

    Posted Dec 30, 2010

  • As for the first story it all ends happily. EA heard about the story and resupplied the cancer treatment place with games and systems (from what I hear, in numbers greater than where taken). Also a game developer jumped on board and supplied them with more games. So everything should be alright ;)

    Posted Dec 31, 2010

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