We all know that developer Insomniac is having quite a busy 2011 with two Playstation 3 games slated for release this year: Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One and Resistance 3. Insomniac is ready to unveil a third title—a new IP planned for both the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360.


This new game came from a deal made with publishing giant Electronic Arts last year. Over the years, Insomniac has been well-known to make exclusive titles for Sony’s console. Speaking of which--and in case any of you were wondering, this won’t be another Ratchet and Clank game, as the IP is owned by Sony.


Insomniac Click is another game they're developing.


Ted Price, Insomniac CEO stated that he wanted to expand to other platforms in an attempt to reach a wider audience, as well as more time to polish its games. Price wanted his company to change direction because of their recent activity of releasing games on a yearly basis. Also, this is not the only new game Insomniac is focusing on. According to Gamespot, they’re also developing Insomniac Click, a new game they’re releasing on mobile phones and Facebook.


The Electronic Arts press conference is set to begin right after Microsoft’s at 12:30 PM PT on June 6th. So stay tuned for updates regarding Insomniac’s new title.


David Gabriel, NoobFeed.

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