Oh yes, summer is here this very day! It’s time to put on your short shorts, skimpy outfits and… stay home to play some video games! Sunshine and social interaction be damned, because you have the chance to play some ancient games here!

NoobFeed News - GOG.com Summer Promo

To mark the start of their summer promo, classic digital giant GOG.com is pulling out all the stops. For two weeks, people will get to enjoy a 50% discount on all Interplay games, which are 32 titles. Among the titles are many classics like Fallout, Earthworm Jim, Jagged Alliance, Freespace and just about every game in there.

There’s also about half a day left to go grab Overlord complete pack for 75% off on Steam. Now go; go and be an asocial cave dweller!

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

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  • I scoured that entire catalogue. Some very good titles!

    Only one I'm particularly taken with at the moment is Witcher 2, which is advertised as $49.99, but then goes on to say it's AUD $69.99, but they'll offer a $26 store credit...

    Haha, I'll think about it GOG. :P

    On the other hand though, Fallout 1 + 2 are $6 all up... :D

    Posted Jun 21, 2011

  • Most of the games are like 10 years old. I'll have to pass this summer promo.

    Posted Jun 21, 2011

  • @Sleven sleven sleven, you need to try some old stuff. you will be surprised at some of the awesomeness that you find!

    Posted Jun 21, 2011
  • @Sleven: The site is called Good OLD Games.
    Posted Jun 21, 2011

  • @Dramus @Daavpuke

    Dramus : It's not that I've never played old skol games. They are fun but I just didn't like playing them much. Another reason is because my operating system didn't run many of them when I first tried with XP. And now I have Win7, which I wonder how many will run.

    Daavpuke : Oops! Didn't know you'd notice my comment. Yes ofcourse they sell old games ;P

    Posted Jun 21, 2011

  • oh snap. You know, i have never been to gog.com...everytime i remember, i forget a few moments later. i go on it now, and man oh man...somethings are soooo getting bought!

    Posted Jun 21, 2011

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