Here’s a bunch of trailers. What? I can’t be concise for once?

NoobFeed News - Batman, Lord of the Rings, Galcon Labs, House of the Dead [VIDEO]

Warner Bros likes to tell me all their upcoming things, so they showed us the newest trailer for Lord of the Rings: War in the North. There’s way too little Lord of the Rings on NoobFeed, so consider this reparations. And to complete the package, we also have the most awesome Batman: Arkham City trailer, because we were all waiting for the Joker! Mark Hamill is a genius, I’m just saying.



Now this one…this one is weird. Galcon Labs is a Playstation Minis where circles, math and space shooters meet. I have no words, so you’ll just have to watch. It looks interesting at the very least.



And finally, Sega would like you to change your pants with this House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut trailer. Yes, that’s how it’s called.



I’m tired and I just wrote my most praising review so far; get off my back, people. But do enjoy!


Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

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  • Batman Arkham City Trailer = Droolage. now THAT my friend, is one heck of a new trailer :D

    Posted Sep 24, 2011
  • @Dramus: I aim to please. It's also the one I enjoyed the most. Well, apart from Galcon Labs, which I could barely wrap my head around.
    Posted Sep 24, 2011

  • That trailer of House of the Dead is outstanding.

    Posted Sep 24, 2011

  • Arkham Asylum was all about Batman vs Joker. I really don't want the same thing in Arkham City.

    Posted Sep 24, 2011

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