Abyss School Guide | Floor 10 Puzzle Solution

A guide on how to solve the Floor 10 puzzle in Abyss School.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Mar 17, 2025

In Abyss School, you have to go through 10 floors. Unlocking each will help you progress in the game. This guide will show you how to solve the Floor 10 puzzle.

Meetings and Essential Tools

Abyss School Guide, Meetings and Essential Tools

Go right to the abyss zombie for bolt cutters, then left to another for a hammer. Knock over the table pot to get a filthy battery. Break the damaged wall with a hammer and look for a sponge and detergent. Cleaning the stain next to the safe reveals the code 2339; open it to get a valve.

Back in the main area, swim in the blue pool to place the valve. This pool can clean unclean batteries. Walls in the steam room will display A B X. The Abyss Zombie Elite locker can be opened with this code. With the switch, release the two zombie elites and imprison them in the cage to set a trap.

Get the red spectacles by opening the door near an abyss zombie's path in the main area with bolt cutters. Red glasses and a cleaned battery go on the statue. Use 7155 to open the red safe and get the blue spectacles. Do it again:

  • Find 8189 in blue glasses. Open blue safe for green glasses.
  • Green glasses show 9488 > Open green safe for electrical box key.
  • Return to the main area after unlocking the electrical box and activating the trap.

Traps And Safe Codes

Abyss School Guide, Traps And Safe Codes

To guide the abyss zombies to a tugging egg, knock over two blue pots. Once imprisoned, go under the zombie and cage all three abyss zombies with wall buttons. This unlocks a gear-containing safe. Put the gear in the main area to set another trap.

Now, enter the hole near the blue pool and follow the abyss zombies through the maze. Use the red switch to summon a tugging egg that devours the abyss zombie elite. Undergo and reach safety.

  • Grab the cutter in the petri dish at the abyss zombie's trail's end.
  • Use the safe code 4274 to retrieve the closet key.
  • Get the red glasses from the closet.
  •  Red glasses on the statue reveal 3452; enter this code into the red safe to get a remote. Activating the remote connects an abyss zombie's trail, letting you safely pass the anglerfish.

Destroy the golden-glowing boxes on Floor 4 to discover a petri dish key. Defeat Abyss zombie elites to get the classroom key. More golden boxes contain another essential piece. Install gear after collecting the necessary pieces to set another trap.

Last Traps and Abyss Follower

Abyss School Guide, Last Traps and Abyss Follower

Set all four traps to capture the Abyss Follower and drop a key. Unlock the yellow-glowing door using this key. Enter the light-lit door to play as Seyoung after the cutscene. Fight zombies on the first floor using a baseball bat.

Restore relics on Floor 6. Answer sheet next to the shelf.

On Floor 5:

  • Kill a zombie to get its head's batteries.
  • Add the batteries to the statue to reveal 8753. Open the safe to retrieve the closet key.
  • Get the red glasses from the closet.
  • Unlock 3452 by using the red glasses on the statue. Open the red safe for the remote.
  • Remotely connect an abyss zombie path for safe transit.

On Floor 4:

  • Get another key piece by destroying luminous boxes.
  • Get the classroom key by defeating Abyss zombie elites.
  • Find another essential component under the boxes on the left.
  • Break right-hand boxes to get the last piece behind an abyss zombie elite.
  • Use the classroom key to advance.
  • The iron key opens the lift.

Reaching Floor 3's Final Cutscene:

  • Get the classroom key from the broken elevator.
  • The closet key in a petri dish and a desk cutter piece behind boxes are accessible with the classroom key.
  • Open the classroom door and unlock a locker using the closet key.
  • Find another cutter piece by destroying a box wall.
  • Cut the door chain with the finished bolt cutters.

Continue to the last cutscene to finish the game!

Also, check out our Abyss School other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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