Borderlands 3 Warden Boss Fight Guide

Defeat Sir Hammerlock's captor

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 19, 2019

After reaching Sir Hammerlock you'll be charged with taking down the Warden. He may seem like a basic Goliath, and to a degree he is, but the Warden has been supercharged. Here's how to defeat him.

Borderlands 3,NoobFeed,Warden,Gearbox Software,Take Two Interactive,

The Warden fight starts off simple. Kill the bandits that funnel into the arena while shooting the Warden. However, once his armor is destroyed the beast comes out. Now the Warden will start charging and shooting missiles.

Fortunately, you can kite by running and gunning your way throughout the arena. Unfortunately, the Warden will keep getting more powerful and recovering his health when he reaches 20%. You can kill him before this happens but good luck on that. If you can't, like myself, you'll have to keep fighting him till he goes from Super to Ultimate forms. He doesn't change his tactics so you can kiting him.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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