Control Chapter 4 Punch Card Puzzle

How to solve Dr. Darling's Punch Card problem

 by Grayshadow on  Aug 26, 2019

Dr. Darling isn't a simple person. Throughout Control he is seen as a logical yet overly complicated person. And his puzzles follow the same formula. Simple in concept but complicated in getting to the solution. Here's how to solve the Punch Card puzzle in Chapter 4 of Control.

Getting into the office is another puzzle. From the starting point the solution is right, left, left, up, up.

Now, locate the push cards. There's 4 on the ground floor and one in the upper floor. The stairs are by the forklift. Remember that each kiosk has a number to it. 5 is on the bottom floor and 4 on the top floor.

The card pattern is as follow:

Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,


Control,Punch Card,Puzzle,NoobFeed,505 Games,Remedy Entertainment,

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Adam Siddiqui,
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