Journey to the Savage Planet How to Complete All Experiments
Complete all the experiments in Journey to the Savage Planet
by Grayshadow on Jan 28, 2020
Journey to the Savage Planet has a lot of optional objectives called Experiments. Completing them will unlock new gear that can aid in your journey. Here's how to complete them all.
Experiments 1
Safety First
After getting the thrusters, dive from a high area. The top of the mountain in the first biome is the best place.
Flight Risk
Locate some Pufferbirds, melee them to launch them into the air and shoot them before they land. Do this 5 times.
Live Samples
Pufferbirds - Outside the Javelin
Baboushka - In the fields by the Towering Crystals
Pikemander - On the isolated platform by the Meteor Crater teleporter by an Alien Alloy
Experiments 2
Live Samples
Kapyena - In the arena by the Fungi of Si'ned VII teleporter
Jellywaft - In the fields by the Towering Crystals or the opposite side of the Fungi of Si'ned VII teleporter
Infected Pufferbird - In the caves by the Fungi of Si'ned VII teleporter by the waterfall
Bomb Drop
Head to the Fungi of Si'ned VII teleporter and lure a bunch of amber-armored Pufferbirds together using the bait. Use the Blight Bomb to remove the amber and kill them with the Bombergante.
Easy Targets
Go to the starting arena and lure a bunch of Pufferbirds together using the bait. Bind them together using the Blinding agent and then use the Bombergante.
Corrosive Rain
Head to the Fungi of Si'ned VII teleporter and you'll find a Prime Jellywaft by the water pool. Lure some Pufferbirds by shooting them, specifically the amber ones and use the Blight Bomb to make them vulnerable to damage. Lure the Prime Jellywaft right above the creatures and kill it above the Pufferbirds.
Experiments 3
Live Samples
Slamphibian - The Slamphilbian is at the Slamphibian Pit that is required to get to for story progression
Schnozo - The birds that live in the termite mounts
Imperial Scarab - Right by Xerophilous Landing
Let's Bounce
Get the most powerful version of the blaster and charge it 3 times using Y on Xbox One or Triangle on PS4. Head to the opening area outside the Javelin and look for a cluster of Pufferbirds. Shoot at a cluster of Pufferbirds and it should bounce between them.
I Know Karate
In the starting area start meleeing the Pufferbirds. Make sure to kill them with a melee strike while in the air or they'll charge you and cause damage.
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