The Surge 2 How to Defeat Matriarch Celeste
Defeat the Leader of the Sparks
by Grayshadow on Sep 27, 2019
Matriarch Celeste is one of the hardest bosses in the game, especially if you're like me and cannot parry. But just because she's hard doesn't make her unbeatable.
First off, make sure you unlocked the shortcut leading up to the arena. If can be found on the floor leading up to Celeste's room. If you die, you don't want to have to go through everything again.
If you're confident in your directional parry skills, Celeste will be no problem for you. For players like myself who suck as it evasion is still a valid technique. Celeste's primary close-range attack can launch you in the air and finishes with a small AOE of electrical damage. Wait for it to disappear before counter-attacking.
When Celeste dodges back to create distances, chances are she's going to charge. When she's midway from her starting position to making contact with you dodge left or right depending on the situation. Follow this up with a series of light attacks.
Occasionally Celeste will launch her Nanowand at the player but you can avoid this easily by going inside her circle or getting out of range. Just be aware that she calls it back, like Kratos Levithan ax, so if you're by Celeste it can hit you from behind. Just keep attacking after Celeste finishes off her own attack animation and you'll get through phase 1.
Phase 2 is much easier. Celeste will fuse with machines and gain 2 large arms. Celeste has an easily dodged close-range attack where she bends her spine all the way back. Just wait for them to make contact with the floor and attack. The key is to remain close enough that she doesn't use her mechanical arms since they're harder to evade and follow up with attack given the range. You can deal heavy damage with your drone during this phase but Celeste is basically a cakewalk here.
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