The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Guide | Best Weapons and Armors
Found way too many weapons and armor in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? Here are the best ones to stick to.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Mar 24, 2025
This guide shows you how to get the best weapons and armor early on in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
When you first load up The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the title screen, you will see a reward section that explains how you can retrieve a new armor set and weapons from Yennefer’s quarters in Vizima. It doesn’t list all the new items, but you can obtain them at any point in your playthrough, even by reloading an old save from before the next-gen update.
If you’re starting a new game, you will follow the main questline of the prologue that begins in Kaer Morhen Castle. It takes you through White Orchard, where you kill the Beast of White Orchard, and ends with you heading to Vizima. This is all part of the main quest, so you cannot miss it. However, once you’re there, you can miss out on these armor sets and weapons if you aren’t careful.
Nilfgaardian Armor (Easter Egg)
As a bonus Easter Egg, if you go to the main menu, then Options, and then Gameplay, you can enable the Nilfgaardian Armor from The Witcher Netflix series. You will notice why this is turned off by default, as the armor looks unflattering in its default state.
Nilfgaardian Armor Set Location
By selecting the Royal Palace on the map and fast traveling there, you will appear at a signpost. You will want to go left into the courtyard, then directly upwards into the room in the corner. Place a custom marker in the entrance hall where, if you turn around, you will see the grand hall and the way to the courtyard. You will go through a door, continue around the courtyard, and find another door on the left, past a corner.
Open this door, and to the left of the fireplace is another room where you will find the Ambassador. Below the window in this room is a lootable chest containing a letter from Yennefer as well as two armor sets and weapon sets: one usable at level 7 and the other at level 11. You will need to go elsewhere for the final armor set.
Armor of a Thousand Flowers
You can have the Armor of a Thousand Flowers from Dol Blathanna. This is the best armor set you can obtain early on in The Witcher 3 and outclasses the craftable Witcher armor set in both armor and resistances. According to Yennefer’s letter, the Sword and Armor of a Thousand Flowers was crafted in Dol Blathana by elves who refashioned Nilfgaard Armor, combining the strengths of heavy steel and elven craftsmanship.
The armor set provides a total armor rating of 127 along with additional resistances: a flat 18 reduction to incoming monster attacks, stacking with 17 resistance to slashing and 8 to piercing and blunt weapons, giving you about a 30 to 40 reduction in damage against certain monsters. It even has a glyph slot for further enhancements.
Swords of a Thousand Flowers (Steel & Silver)
You also have an accompanying sword set that can be equipped at level 7. The steel sword of a Thousand Flowers does between 82 to 100 damage a hit, about 20 more than most weapons at this level, and comes with damage effects such as an extra 5 armor, 8 sign intensity, 10 critical hit damage bonus, a five percent increase to landing a critical attack, and a five percent bonus to experience from kills. It includes a glyph slot as well.
The silver sword, The White Widow of the Valley of Flowers, does 154 to 188 damage a hit, boosts your Igni sign damage by three percent, increases your critical hit chance by five percent, and provides an extra 10 critical hit damage plus a five percent bonus to experience for killing monsters. It is an incredible sword, but you can also easily replace it with a better silver sword called the Moonblade in Velen. It has additional glyph slots and high critical hit damage.
Nine-Tailed Vixen Sword (Steel & Silver)
The Nine-Tailed Sword set is available in the chest, but you may use it after you’ve reached level 11. The steel version hits for 109 to 133 damage per attack, increases your critical hit chance by 10, adds a five percent chance to cause bleeding or chop, and has an extra glyph slot.
The silver version, known as the Nine-Tailed Vixen Sword, does 192 to 234 damage a hit, increases your critical hit chance by 11, and offers a six percent chance to cause bleeding. Even then, you might choose the Moonblade as it has three glyph slots along with a higher critical damage. This will allow you to adjust and build your character to provide the maximum overall damage.
White Tiger of the West Armor Set
You can find the White Tiger of the West Armor in the chest. It requires you to be level 11. This medium set is a massive upgrade over the Thousand Flowers set in terms of both armor value and resistance. It offers 20 resistance to monsters that stacks with 21 resistance to slashing attacks, along with 10 resistance to piercing or blunt attacks. This means that the slashing attacks of any monster will be reduced by 40, and any other physical damage type will be reduced by 30.
Forgotten Wolven Armor Set
You can obtain the Forgotten Wolven Armor set at level 20. This newly added Witcher armor can be crafted at level 20 and upgraded further, and it is the same armor set that Henry Cavill wore in The Witcher Netflix series. It acts like a glass cannon set by increasing your damage while reducing your health, so you will need to weigh its benefits carefully.
To obtain this armor set, you need to start the corresponding quest in Vizima. After completing the prologue—which takes you from Kaer Morhen to White Orchard and then to Vizima—you will be taken to No Man’s Land. When you arrive on the Vizima map, zoom in near the Hanged Man’s Tree. Follow the path south and then east until you see a castle.
Place an objective marker there and follow the path down the hill towards the village, ignoring the guards. Continue to the left of the next hill until you reach another fort. There, you will speak to a priest to start the quest. Although the quest recommends level 20, it can be done earlier if you are skilled.
Crafting the Forgotten Wolven Armor Set and Weapons
After starting the quest, you will unlock the ability to craft the Forgotten Wolven Armor, which requires level 20, as well as the Forgotten Wolven steel and silver swords featured in The Witcher Netflix series. To get the Grand Master version of this armor set, check your quest log for “Scavenger Hunt: Forgotten Wolf School Gear Diagrams” under Treasure Hunt.
You will need to travel to Kaer Morhen, enter the castle, and search the old Witcher library. Climb up a ladder; go left to find a hidden old forgotten tome containing the diagrams for the weapons. Read the notes to unlock the armor set, and then return to the crafting tab to see the unlocked Grand Master Forgotten Wolven Armor, which has a different appearance and requires level 40. You will also unlock the Grand Master versions of the swords.
Also, check our The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Review and other guides below:
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