The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Guide | How To Get All Endings
Here's everything you need to know on how to get all the endings in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Game Guide by Ornstein on Mar 24, 2025
This guide will walk you through how to get every ending and ending variation for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine. Early spoilers are avoided, although you are warned of The Witcher 3's big endings.
Major Endings Summary
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has three endings, despite many minor variants that will be discussed later. It's up to you to pick which one is excellent and which is terrible, but two nice ones and one bad one are convenient labels.
There are five decisions in the game that define one of the major endings. One of the five is optional. You need to make three correct decisions from four or five to get one of the two nice endings and the reverse to get the bad one.
Five Crucial Decision Choices
#1 Decision follows the Battle of Kaer Morhen. Ciri will be angry that her Avallac'h training won't continue, and Geralt has two options. Playing snowballs with her is the proper choice, but telling her she doesn't need to be good at everything and having a drink is the wrong one. These decisions are dubbed right or wrong for convenience, but you may feel otherwise.
#2 Decision comes next and leads to the skippable choice. You can encourage Ciri to see a mirror, her true father or not. If you don't go, you have four main options. However, the appropriate choice is to decline his payment for your services, while the wrong choice is to take it—one of the awkwardest moments in gaming.
#3 Decision arrives when you have to wait until Philippa Eilhart calls Ciri to discuss her future. Two choices will appear. The right one is to let her talk alone, and the wrong one is to go inside and speak for her.
#4 Decision choices will take place at the Velox laboratories, which may take some time to reach. Before leaving, Ciri gets agitated again, and you have two options. She should be encouraged to wreck the place, not given Lara Dorren's jewelry to soothe her down.
#5 Decision follows #4 when Ciri will invite you to Skellige's grave once you leave the lab. Saying yes and going with Ciri is better than saying there's not enough time and rejecting her. By saying there is too much to do now, you can do it later. The spoiler-free phase ends, and you discuss the three endings and how to distinguish the two good ones.
Spoilers—Major Endings Detailed
Before continuing, briefly discuss the poor conclusion. Some debate if Geralt and Ciri die. Personal interpretation is the answer. Ciri may have survived and refused to return to Geralt because she no longer liked him.
However, during the drinking decision, a cat drags a dead bird, and crows signal she died. So, who knows? Geralt believes his fate is open to interpretation because his personal ending variation isn't shown during the sending. You must make bad choices to get the ending stated.
What if you desire one of the other two? Ciri becomes a Witcher in one and leaves to become Empress of Nilfgaard in the other. Get each of these by doing this:
Don't take Ciri to visit a mirror and make three proper decisions for the simpler Witcher ending. You just need those two conditions to get The Witcher 3 ending. There are other ways, but this is the easiest.
The Empress Ending is more complicated since you must take Ciri to a mirror and ensure Nilfgaard wins the battle in addition to making the three right choices. Because she will become a Witcher again if he doesn't—even if you take her to him.
Two things must be done to win the war. First, murder Rativit during the early quest chain when Dijkstra talks to you after you solve Triss' mage dilemma. Second, Dijkstra must not govern the North. Therefore, you must support Roche when the time comes.
To summarize, Ciri leaves to become Empress if you take her to a mirror and Nilfgaard wins the war; if one of these requirements isn't met, she becomes a Witcher again, assuming you made three proper choices out of four or five.
Minor Variations and Epilogues
Whatever you call it, there are several epilogues or minor endings. The first shows Geralt alone on the route. If you refuse to romance either sorceress or try to romance both, this happens. The second is with Yennefer if you tell her you still love her during her Last Wish quest and let Triss escape Novigrad—three with Triss.
You must skip The Last Wish or inform Yennefer that the magic is gone to acquire it. You must tell Triss you love her before she leaves if you complete the objective. You can have the Skellige unicorn romance scene without ruining Triss's romance. As indicated, Geralt may die in the horrible ending, the fourth.
Consider rulers. Ciri has two epilogues: one where she lives and conquers the North and one where she fails and dies. They depend on whether you give Ciri the mirror option, as stated above. Skellige could have three rulers. Each has an epilogue. You get Llamar by helping him and his sister and then siding with him to solve the berserker's problem.
If you do the same but support Seriana during the berserker onslaught, you obtain her. If you ignore the siblings or the berserker issue, you get Von Riga. Although not stated in the epilogue, Llamar dies if you take that path. To keep this tutorial short, I've skipped some epilogue-like portions before the game closes. Links to more information are below.
Learn how you completed your first playthrough. You played snowballs, didn't visit a mirror, let Ciri talk to the sorceress alone, handed her the necklace, and then visited Skellige's cemetery with her. Skip the optional choice, make three right and one wrong choices, and get The Witcher ending. Since you killed Rativit and didn't support Dijkstra, Ciri ruled nonetheless.
You Courted Triss Merigold, and Ciri Became Skellige Queen
Hearts of Stone Ends
The Hearts of Stone expansion has two endings with one minor change. In the first ending, you allow Olgierd von Everec to absorb the soul of everything that is geared by not interrupting him or conversing with the old professor before the finale. You won't even have the interrupt option to ensure Olgierd captures the soul of everything that is geared and rewards you with one of numerous things.
Check every reward's description for a video. If you play the expansion before the Battle of Kaer Morhen, you can ask the Man of Glass for Ciri's location. He promises to find her, but you must worry about other things and escape the awful ending.
The alternate ending involves challenging Olgierd to a game in exchange for releasing all the stuff. Before meeting Olgierd at the temple, find Shani and the professor to get it. When asked what you'll play, you learn a lot about Olgierd and have some unsettling moments.
You can stop him before he devours everything geared. In your dream world, you must find a mirror—preferably an unbreakable one. When you succeed, Olgierd goes, lifting the magic on all gears, and offers you his sword. You might watch another Hearts of Stone video now.
Blood and Wine Endings
Size leads to more endings in Blood and Wine. Who lives and dies among Hana, Henrietta, Siana, and Detlef determines the endings.
For the first ending, visit the hidden vampire elder. This summoning of Detlef kills all three characters. Your only option is to kill Detlef, and Siana will kill the Duchess and die.
The second ending is a bit similar but distinct. If you enter the fairytale land without the elder, you can get Siana's ribbon from the Flint seller girl. If you get it, it will save Siana from Detlef, forcing you to murder him. You must then decline to investigate with Rages, which will result in Siana killing the Duchess and dying with her.
Number three is the ending where you find Siana but don't grab the ribbon that would let that love kill her and get revenge. The ending can go two ways from here. Let go of love or murder him. Both options lock you up and force Dandelion to rescue you. The primary difference is that Detlef can live in one, and Rages can avoid Toussaint exile.
Number four is the hardest to acquire. It requires stealing the ribbon again, killing that laugh, and convincing Siana not to kill Henrietta. After selecting Keanu over the unknown elder, you must make several crucial decisions to reach the ending.
Visitors Afterward
You have to consider who can visit you afterward. One of Triss or Yennefer would move into your vineyard and sleep there if you had romanced them in the main game. Ciri will visit you if you didn't romance anyone or tried to romance both and obtained a wonderful finish.
If she became a Witcher, she would look like such, and the Empress ending would be the opposite. Finally, your pal Dandelion appears as if you didn't romance anyone and received an awful ending.
His visit differs depending on whether you were imprisoned at the end of Blood and Wine and whether you completed the Cardinal Sins Quest.
Note that the quest where someone visits you will not occur until you finish the original game, and you cannot start the Blood and Wine expansion until you free Dandelion.
Also, check our The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Review and other guides below:
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