Top Five Injustice 2 Characters

Here are the top 5 Injustice 2 characters.

 by RON on  May 24, 2017

NetherRealm Studios has done an amazing job with designing the Injustice 2 characters. It’s not going to be an easy choice for anyone to pick the best fighter among them all. Alongside the visuals, the super moves of all the characters are well designed, and when mastered, no opponent constitutes a challenge.

I’ve spent a good amount of time with the title, while and after reviewing it, so here are my top 5 Injustice 2 characters:

5. Aquaman:

Top,Injustice 2,Characters,Aquaman,Robin,Braniac,Batman,Darkseid,Supergirl,Green Arrow,Swamp Thing,Atrocitus,Superman,Wonder Woman

Ever since Injustice: Gods Among Us, Aquaman has had an evolution. You could pretty much say that Injustice: Gods Among Us is the best thing to recently happen to Aquaman. In Injustice 2 his reputation continues along the same lines. His powerful spear is as deadly as it gets, and on higher difficulties it’s hard to get close to him because of it. He uses the spear as if it’s one of his body parts and it has multiple application other than multiple stabbings in a single hit, such as throwing opponents upward and sticking them with it, lightening attacks and so on. Not to mention his telepathic call to an underwater giant octopus that grabs his opponents for a good smack on the ground. When it comes to Super mode, Aquaman takes you deep into the ocean and along with multiple deadly stabs by his spear, he gets his opponent eaten by a dreadful looking shark.

4. Robin:

Top,Injustice 2,Characters,Aquaman,Robin,Braniac,Batman,Darkseid,Supergirl,Green Arrow,Swamp Thing,Atrocitus,Superman,Wonder Woman

Robin appears in Injustice 2 as the son of Batman, but takes Superman’s side as the story progresses. Imagine Batman gone rogue and having no mercy for the living. Yeap, that pretty much Robin in Injustice 2. He’s equipped with a sword and trained by Ra's al Ghul. His sword attacks are so deadly that even jumping over him is impossible. And if you’re a fan of sword play, Robin should definitely be your choice, especially his Super move with his combined sword attack will surely satisfy you. Not so much your opponents, though. If considered the coolest character of Injustice 2 in terms of style of fighting, I’d say Robin hits the number one stop without any doubt.

3. Brainiac:

Top,Injustice 2,Characters,Aquaman,Robin,Braniac,Batman,Darkseid,Supergirl,Green Arrow,Swamp Thing,Atrocitus,Superman,Wonder Woman

Brainiac has made his entry to Injustice 2 quite dramatically, his purpose being to complete his Kryptonian collection by defeating Superman, in the process of destroying Earth. Brainiac isn’t human and equipped with wire-like hands that make for a great punch. He can easily grab you with them and do a great deal of damage. Brainiac’s super move involves his ship shooting a massive ray while four of his clones are holding you to receive it. Deadly!

2. Batman:

Top,Injustice 2,Characters,Aquaman,Robin,Braniac,Batman,Darkseid,Supergirl,Green Arrow,Swamp Thing,Atrocitus,Superman,Wonder Woman

Tactically, Batman is one of the most superior characters the DC universe. The same can be said about him in Injustice 2. He’s equipped with his usual gadgets, and even his cape works as a weapon. What I like most about Batman is his grapple-gun, which brings his opponent closer for a beating, even if his opponent is far and at a higher angle. He can repeatedly bring his opponents closer with his grapple-gun, punch/kick back. Anyone caught into this loop has increased chances to lose. Batman’s super move involves his opponent getting crushed by his batjet and blasted apart. Survive that!

1. Darkseid:

Top,Injustice 2,Characters,Aquaman,Robin,Braniac,Batman,Darkseid,Supergirl,Green Arrow,Swamp Thing,Atrocitus,Superman,Wonder Woman

I hate to say this but I fell in love with Darkseid in Injustice 2. No, definitely not because of his appearance. It’s due to his superiority over almost every characters. He moves keeping his hands behind as if he doesn’t need to use ‘em. His laser beam is so effective that it upsets every opponent. If anyone’s trying to defend his beam from the front, he’ll send one from the back. Absolutely unavoidable. He may not be very agile, but he barely has to move when having such amazing weapon. His punches are heavy and can teleport from one corner to another for surprise attacks. His multi-dimensional Super move packs with his laser beam and a godly smash.

There are plenty of other characters such as Supergirl, Green Arrow, Swamp Thing, Atrocitus, Superman, and Wonder Woman who too are great playable characters with great tactical advantages and powers. But if I had to choose the top five characters of Injustice 2, I’d go with the list above.

Let us know about your top characters in the comment section, and if you haven't played yet, check our Injustice 2 Review.

Thanks for reading.

Sarwar Ron, NoobFeed
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