Wolfenstein: Youngblood How to Obtain the Elektrokraftwerk

How to get the Elektrokraftwerk in Wolfenstein: Youngblood

 by Grayshadow on  Jul 29, 2019

Wolfenstein: Youngblood has lots of powerful weapons, but some are more useful than others. The Elektrokraftwerk is one of these weapons. Here's how to obtain it.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood,Elektrokraftwerk,NoobFeed,

The Elektrokraftwerk is located in the mission Brother 3. When attempting to "Bypass the Lock-Down" in room 1, heading to end of the room. At the end you'll see a generator, on the right side a part will lead upwards to a vent. Head inside and you'll find the Elektrokraftwerk.

Laserkraftwerk Location

Elektrokraftwerk Location

Diselkraftwerk Location

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