The Surge 2 Boss Guide Secret Boss Delver Echo Alpha

Delver's protoype wants to fight

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 27, 2019

Delver was a difficult fight. So the developers at Deck13 decided to add an optional fight with a prototype version of Delver, which is faster.

The Surge 2,NoobFeed,Deck13,Focus Home Interactive,

Called Delver Echo Alpha, the boss can be located in the underground. Located into the large room leading to CREO University, you have to go past this area after defeating Ezra Shields. Inside you'll see a pulsing Nanonite creature above, similar to the ones you've been facing, and a chest in the middle of the room. You can avoid this fight but once you get close to the chest and trigger the fight, you have to complete it. Unless you reset the game.

Delver acts similar to the original fight, only now is much faster. Acting with about twice the speed of the original. Since its largely the same I'll copy and paste the strategy.

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Tips and Tricks

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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