The Surge 2 Boss Guide How to Defeat Brother Eli Infected

Fight Eli again

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 27, 2019

Eli isn't dead and has been brought back to life. Now he's after the CREO CEO and you have to stop him. Here's how to defeat Brother Eli.

The Surge 2,NoobFeed,Deck13,Focus Home Interactive,

Eli's tactics remain largely the same here. Now he starts with 2 adds, which must be killed immediately. They're pretty easy and those equipped with modern gear won't have an issue with the enemies.

Eli is still a powerful melee fighter but now can AOE Nano attacks. Some project forward in horizal or vertical ways. However, if you stay within the center of the arena you can easily dodge these attacks.

As before, just wait for Eli to finish his attack animation and follow up with your own attacks. He'll fall eventually.

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Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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