Fedmyster has been removed from Offline TV
Due to allegations of sexual misconduct against him, Offline TV decided to part ways with FedMyster.
News by IchikaRika on Jun 28, 2020
In a recent tweet made by Offline TV, they’ve announced that Fedmyster has been kicked off of Offline TV:
"We strive to be a place where everyone can feel comfortable and safe. With that in mind, Fed has been removed from Offline TV. He will also no longer be living with us. We wholeheartedly support Yvonne, her statement, and anyone else who has the courage to share their story."
The tweet cited Yvonnie’s twitlonger chronicling Yvonnie’s and LilyPichu’s experience with Fedmyster taking advantage of them. FedMyster will no longer be living in the Offline TV house and as said earlier, will no longer be affiliated with Offline TV. However, as of the time of this article's writing, Fedmyster's channel is still up on Twitch. Which means that he will probably become banned in the platform as well. This is due to the fact that Twitch has been cracking down on streamers that have been alleged of sexual misconduct.
Fedmyster, in a series of tweets, has acknowledged his wrongdoings and also linked Yvonnie’s twitlonger.
You can check out Offline TV's tweet here.
Cedric Pabriga,
Junior Editor, NoobFeed
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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