Super Smash Bros Ultimate Joker and Hero Amiibos Coming This October

Joker and Hero amiibos launching just in time for Halloween

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 15, 2020

Those yearning for the latest set of amiibos can obtain the recently confirmed Joker and Hero this October.

Joker,NoobFeed,Super Smash Bros. Ultimate,

Hero,NoobFeed,Super Smash Bros. Ultimate,

These 2 amiibos were confirmed last month with the reveal of Min Min. Joker is the jack-of-all trades protagonist of Persona 5 who can accomplish anything. While Hero comes from the acclaimed Dragon Quest XI

This isn't the only toy Nintendo confirmed recently. With the rumored LEGO NES Classic, complete with retro TV and life-size controller, revealed. Seems Nintendo is going all in into the toy market.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now available for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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