Final Fantasy XVI Guide | Best Ways To Farm Gil

Here's everything you need to know on the best ways to farm Gil in Final Fantasy XVI

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Jan 04, 2025

In Final Fantasy XVI, Gil is required to purchase equipment, gears, and other resources that help advance the quest further. Farming Gil efficiently will surely enhance your game experience since you will maintain a well-equipped character to overcome the challenges awaiting them in the future. Regarding this, several techniques are described below for raising your Gil income, broken down into needed strategies.

Complete the Hunts and Side Quests

Hunt and side missions are among the most certain means of earning Gil in Final Fantasy XVI. Somewhere in the middle of the game, you will encounter a Hunt Board in which a listing of deadly species can be hunted to have big rewards in return. The more rewarding hunts are those on the higher tiers, and you make it a point to meet those as soon as the level of your character gets strong enough. 

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Side quests are much less lucrative than hunts, yet they are piled up along with other beneficial items and experience points, giving you insight into the plot. It should become a habit that every time you enter a new region, take up and finish all the available side missions.

Sell off Unnecessary Items and Raw Materials

Throughout your journey, you are constantly picking raw materials, forging items, and other junk. Some will need to upgrade arms or finish some of the side quests, while others are only good for selling. From time to time, go through your inventory and discard all the items labeled "Treasure" or any other useless junk. 

Merchants in large towns or villages will easily pay Gil for such stuff and will provide instantly available methods for you to get more cash. Still, be prudent and never sell off any rare items you might want to use later.

Farm High-XP Enemies

Defeating some foes in Final Fantasy XVI pays out a mountain of Gil. Look for zones with high-yield monster respawns and grind these out for a pretty consistent stream of Gil. Gil grinding is best when farming areas have high-level opponents you would not have as much trouble defeating, although these would go down much easier or quicker if you utilize Eikonic skills in order to dispatch multiple opponents at the same time. When you go out for Gil, target enemy types are said to carry good items.

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Participate in Arena Challenges

The Arete Stone, which can be found within Cid's Hideaway, gives access to the Training Grounds, which opens up different combat-themed challenges. Most of them are reward-bearing ones, and even rewards are Gil-based on your performance. This gives you a fine way to teach you how best to fight while earning coins. Try getting the highest possible rank to raise the payout. Not only will you bag a load of Gil, but you will improve combo and management over enemy waves.

Cook and Sell Consumables

If you have extra crafting material, take time to craft consumables like potions, ethers, or curative brews. They are always in demand, and merchants will pay top dollar for homemade ones. Visit a crafting station and craft items that have high resale value. Done strategically, this can be the most lucrative of businesses, even after accounting for the up-front cost of materials.

Find Secret Areas and Treasure Chests

The world of Final Fantasy XVI is dense, filled to the brim with secret areas and treasure boxes, many of which contain either Gil or expensive artifacts that can then be sold. A deep search through every zone, more so through dungeons and every path that no one takes, could reap the rewards. 

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Be on the lookout for hidden levers, breakable walls, or even puzzle-based treasure chests, possibly containing hundreds upon hundreds of Gils or rare items. Utilize your investigative skills to track down these secret treasures and turn them into more gold in your pocket.

Participate in Trading and Bartering

Some will offer you trade or bartering possibilities when you can exchange them for rare items for Gil or other valuable goods. These are not always apparent; listen to the chatter and check all options in merchant centers. You sometimes stumble upon a sale with a high Gil return, especially if you picked up uncommon trade items from side activities or exploration.

Equip for Efficiency

Getting the proper equipment will make your Gil farming much easier by making combat quicker and easier. Invest in weaponry and accessories that increase your damage output or give you some other useful bonus when in combat. This way, the sooner you kill the enemies, the more effective at Gil farming you become. Also, putting money into upgrades that help increase survivability since dying time and over again in the tougher areas of farming will waste a lot of your time and energy.

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Strategy, exploration, and efficiency in battles are the ways to get the Gil in Final Fantasy XVI. Do hunts and quests, sell everything that is not needed anymore, and search for secret places at your option-accumulate much Gil, which could help you finance your journey. Mix equipment upgrades with focusing on high-reward activities for a well-rounded cash flow, and with such tips, you will always be ready for whatever comes next.

Also, check our Final Fantasy XVI Review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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