Wage Disparity Continues To Divide Blizzard

Employees at Blizzard struggle to make a living wage

News by Fragnarok on  Aug 06, 2020

Multiple reports have been circulating that employees at Blizzard are in an uproar, after an anonymous spreadsheet was spread around the company to compare salaries and pay raises. It showed that the average lifetime raise was below 10%, an amount that has dissatisfied the majority of staff.

Activision,Blizzard,Bobby Kotick,Wage,CEO

Many employees were also earning an unlivable wage due to Blizzard’s headquarters being located in the Los Angeles metro area. Staff members reported subsisting on oat meal, as they could not afford meals offered at the company dining hall. A different employee claimed they had to go without eating at all to save enough for rent. Another decided to forego having children, given the cost of raising them far exceeded the combined salaries of themselves and their spouse.

Activision Blizzard spokeswoman Jessica Taylor countered that 2020 has seen far more promotions in the company. Top performers also gained a 20% higher raise compared to “previous years”. However, by contrast CEO Bobby Kotick earned nearly $40 million in combined salary, stocks, and bonuses during 2019. This was also the same year that the company laid off nearly 800 people.    

Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed

Kurtis Seid

Contributor, NoobFeed

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