Remnant 2: The Awakened King Guide | How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype

Here’s everything you need to know on how to unlock the Ritualist Archetype in Remnant 2: The Awakened King DLC.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Mar 13, 2025

With the release of The Awakened King DLC for Remnant 2, players now have access to a new archetype—the Ritualist. However, unlocking it requires some effort. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to acquire the Ritualist as efficiently as possible.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype, The Awakened King Overworld, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Accessing The Awakened King Overworld

Although the main game’s overworld is procedurally generated, the new overworld introduced in The Awakened King DLC remains the same every time. This consistency simplifies the process of obtaining the Ritualist engram.

To begin, start at Ward 13 and use the World Stone to enter Adventure Mode. Select The Awakened King to immediately travel to the Forlorn Coast in Losomn.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype, Dock Area, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Navigating to the Dock Area

Upon reaching the Forlorn Coast, your objective is to reach the dock area filled with boats. However, despite what the map suggests, you won’t be able to head directly there. Both passageways leading to the docks are blocked by doors.

The only way forward is through the Sunken Haunt. Follow the road straight ahead until you reach a door that grants access to this zone.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype, Sunken Haunt, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Progressing Through the Sunken Haunt

Once inside the Sunken Haunt, you’ll need to fight through numerous enemies in the Burning Village. The path will take a sharp left turn, then curve right, leading into a crisscrossing section of interconnected paths.

At this point, you’ll face a boss fight against a giant witch who summons dogs and attempts to jump on you. Defeating her will allow you to progress to the end of the path, where you’ll find a door leading back to the Forlorn Coast—but this time, on the previously inaccessible side near the docks.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype, Forlorn Docks, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Reaching the Docks

Once back on the Forlorn Coast, head straight and take the first major left, then continue following the main path. You’ll come across one of the previously locked gates—this can now be opened to create a shortcut back to the initial area.

Proceed forward to a checkpoint located on wooden planks. This marks your arrival at the docks. Eliminate all nearby enemies before making your way across a series of floating boats. Be careful—falling will result in death.

Descend to water level and begin jumping from boat to boat, eventually reaching the entrance of a cave.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype, Ragged Poppet, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Finding the Ragged Poppet

Inside the cave, defeat a few remaining enemies and continue along the path until you find the Ragged Poppet. This is the key item required to unlock the Ritualist.

A certain NPC, Wallace, will likely be interested in this item.

Remnant 2: The Awakened King, PC, Gameplay, How To Unlock The Ritualist Archetype, Ritualist Archetype, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Unlocking the Ritualist Archetype

Return to the nearest checkpoint and warp back to Ward 13. Just as you did when choosing your first class, seek out Wallace in the canopy area. Exchange the Ragged Poppet for the Cursed Effigy, which officially unlocks the Ritualist engram. After unlocking it, the Ritualist can be equipped as a secondary archetype for an existing character or selected as the primary archetype for a new character.

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Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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