Capcom 'Retro Station' Coming Soon With 10 Pre-installed Games
Official games, specs, price revealed for Capcom's 'Retro Station' console
News by LG18 on Dec 31, 2020
Capcom has finally officially announced their new 'Retro Station' system, following leaks back in November.
The unit is now purchasable in Japan through the official Retro Station website, with an indication that an English version of the product will hit the market shortly afterward.
From Capcom officially and in somewhat currently broken English:
Spark from the MEGA MAN. The RETRO STATION comes from an elegant design which will recall you the old days and the best memory with MEGA MAN and STREET FIGHTER.
The console contains 10 games from Capcom's arcade era. They are as follows:
"Mega Man: The Power Battle"
"Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters"
"Mega Man Soccer"
"Mega Man X"
"Street Fighter II"
"Street Fighter II': Champion Edition"
"Super Street Fighter II"
"Super Street Fighter II Turbo"
"Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo"
According to the official website, the system will feature an 8-inch, 1024*768 resolution screen at an aspect ratio of 4:3.
It will have full size, arcade-style button layouts and joystick, along with two, 10w 'Super Bass' speakers. There will be HDMI out for those that want to connect the console to a TV or monitor, as well as a secondary control pad for co-op play which will be sold separately.
Another peripheral users can choose to purchase is the PVP USB dongle, which enables two systems to be linked together for multiplayer.
The Retro Station will be priced at 21,780 Yen ($210). As with the majority of 'mini' retro consoles, there is no indication that the user will be able to install more games past the 10 that are pre-installed.
Linden Garcia
Editor, NoobFeed
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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