No Man's Sky Massive Sentinel Update Adds New Exobiology Expedition, New Lore, Missions, and More

No Man's Sky adds another massive update

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 16, 2022

No Man's Sky continues with the massive updates with a free expansion that can equal most paid expansions. With the Sentinel expansion adding 

No Man's Sky,NoobFeed,


????Planetary Settlements
????Become Town Overseer
????250+ new Base Parts
????‍????‍????Town NPC Sim
????Proc Interiors
????15x Saves
????Monstrous Pets
????Visual Effects
????Twitch Campaign
????Season 3
????Space Nebulae
????Base Building Overhaul
????Settlement Sim
????Grow + Defend Towns

— Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) September 1, 2021

Since its launch back in 2016 No Man's Sky has become one of the most acclaimed games in gaming. With massive expansions that brought the title's poor reception from oblivion. With No Man's Sky serving as a prime example of turning a game's poor launch reception into something beloved.

No Man's Sky is now available for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5, and will launch on Switch this Summer.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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