A New Final Fantasy XVI Trailer
According to the producer Naoki Yoshida, the fans may receive a new trailer soon.
News by Yagmur on May 08, 2022
Final Fantasy XVI has been a best kept secret for a while now. We have not heard from the game in a while but we may soon. According to the producer Naoki Yoshida the trailer is “finished” but “due to various circumstances its release has been a bit delayed.” In the same livestream he also stated that he expects the game to come out “very soon”. We don’t know how soon.
Yoshida stated that the newest installment of the Final Fantasy series is nearing its developmental stage and the developers are now busy with “playtesting, polishing and debugging”- Which is all the greater for the fans who want to play a game devoid of frustrating bugs and glitches. According to the fans of the series, the developers can take all the time that they need if the game is going to come out devoid of these annoying bugs.
The playtest stage is also important for the reason that it offers a chance for the studio to get rid of everything that is not player friendly. The game is being made according to the feedback from the players.
There is no other information as to the whereabouts of the new Final Fantasy game though. It seems that we will keep waiting for not only the new trailer but also the game itself. This is all great and all but what are we going to do until Final Fantasy XVI comes out? You can check out our list where we discuss what games we could play until the launch of Final Fantasy XVI.
Yagmur Sevinç (@yagmursevvinc)
Editor, NoobFeed
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