Images of Upcoming Bluepoint Game Leaked

Bluepoint Games' new IP in a fantasy desert setting.

News by Nine_toes on  Aug 05, 2024

The Minister of Digital went to the PlayStation Studios in Malaysia and posted some videos of it, but it seems like he showed a bit more than what was initially intended. In one of the images, you can see concept art of what looks like a desert fantasy setting—probably for an upcoming Action RPG.

Bluepoint Games’ team has been doing some magic with their recent remasters/remakes like Demon Souls on the PS5 and Shadow of the Colossus on PS4. They have proved to be masters at preserving the original feel of an aging game and give it life with modern graphics. Demon Souls is a proud launch title on the PS5 for good reason and I love it.

Bluepoint Games, Upcoming, Fantasy Desert, Action RPG, Leaked Image, NoobFeed

Although, some souls fans would argue the remake fails to preserve the original vibe of the PS3 version which looks gloomy, and the foggy look to it is lost. I think it is a technical marvel, though, and I can see where those fans are coming from. Since the PS5 version looks like an entirely different game, but that is part of a different conversation. Shadow of the Colossus is arguably a perfect remaster that is also done by Bluepoint Games

It is about time we see that level of mastery with graphics on an entirely new IP. While on the second monitor, you can see that the concept art is from ArtStation, it could be used as inspiration for the next game. You can also see this really cool image of the giant flying head going towards who is probably the playable main character who is protecting a lady in the back.

And this lines up with a previous leak of concept art of Bluepoint Games’ current project. It’s an action RPG in a fantasy desert kind of setting. It will be interesting to see this come out, especially since the Dune movie adaptations have been gaining some traction lately. This IP could become a spiritual video game adaptation of Dune, although I wouldn’t expect any resemblances other than just the overall setting.

I’m looking forward to this next game. Bluepoint Games has been working on this for the past 3 years. Depending on the scope of this game which, let’s face it, is going to be huge, we might be able to play it in perhaps 2 years. I hope we hear something about this at the upcoming September PlayStation Showcase because I have high expectations from Bluepoint Games.

Ahnaf Tajwar
Editor, NoobFeed

Ahnaf Tajwar Shayan

Editor, NoobFeed

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