New LawBreakers Assassin Class Stars in the latest Video
High risk and high rewards
News by Grayshadow on Jul 29, 2016
If you ever wanted to fly into the air using a grappling hook while swinging a sharp sword around than LawBreakers has the class for you.
As promised Boss Key has released a new video detailing another one of the four classes in LawBreakers, last week the Enforcer was shown.
This week the Assassin Class' agility and deadly close-range attacks. Other weapons in the Assassin's arsenel include The Flux Grenade which can repel enemies and a single-shot gun. As with the other roles your character's model will reflect the side you're fighting on.
The LawBreakers alpha is currently taking applications and you can sign up here.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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