Insomniac Games Has "No Plans" For Another Resistance Game, it's Up to Sony
Resistance ended with Resistance 3
News by Grayshadow on Aug 03, 2018
One of Sony's best FPS franchises was the Resistance franchise created by Insomniac Games. As a launch franchise for the PS3 the series garnered a lot of acclaims and ended with Resistance 3. Insomniac has moved on to other titles such as the Ratchet and Clank reboot and Spider-Man PS4 and have no plans to return to the series.
In a conversation with Finder, Community Director James Steveson asked about the possibility of a revival of the franchise.
“Oh wow, if I was a betting man? It feels like it’s a longshot to me. But I have learned over the years to never say never. I think there are a lot of people out there that have fond memories of a Resistance game from the PS3 era, but yeah, never say never, it’s just that we have no plans to make another Resistance game in the future.”
Stevenson was then asked whether or not he thought there was a chance for another developer to take over the Resistance franchise.
“I’m not sure. Obviously other developers made the portable versions for the PSP [2009’s Resistance: Retribution by Bend Studio] and Vita [2012’s Resistance: Burning Skies by nStigate Games] back in the day. It’s actually Sony that owns the IP and owns that universe. So I guess if they were really passionate about making Resistance 4 and we couldn’t or didn’t want to do it, Sony could totally engage another developer. But that would be up to Sony, not us.”
This shouldn't come as a surprise as Insomniac's CEO Ted Price confirmed that the studio was done with the IP. It would be great if Sony re-released the series for the PS4 but considering Sony has a lot of other IPs in the fire it's unlikely.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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