Eidos Montreal Has No Plans to Bring Shadow to the Tomb Raider to the Nintendo Switch
Shadow of the Tomb Raider on the go will have to wait
News by Grayshadow on Aug 12, 2018
Over the past year, the Nintendo Switch has had a lot of games ported to the device and developers have voiced support for future titles such as Bethesda and id Software confirming that Doom Eternal would launch on the Switch alongside every other platform. However, Shadow of the Tomb Raider won't be one of those games.
When asked by GameSpot about a Nintendo Switch port lead game designer Heath Smith explained that "no plans" have been made for a Switch port.
It could be because of hardware limitations. Similar questions about a Monster Hunter: World and Dead by Daylight Switch port have been requested but due to the Switch's hardware it would require a specific version built for the system.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider launches on Xbox One, PS4, and PC this September 14th.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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