Bomb Buddies Revives Its Bomberman-esque Free-to-Play Steam Game

Bomb Buddies isn't dead and looks to push free-to-play Bomberman back on Steam.

News by Daavpuke on  Jan 28, 2017

Bomb Buddies is back from the dead. The free-to-play PC title that once appeared as one of the very first projects to use Steam Greenlight seemed to be lost “vaporware” for the longest time, but recently showed signs of life. A post on Steam stated the following:

Development on Bomb Buddies will be starting again in late February! Please stay tuned and help spread the word.

The revival of Bomb Buddies may be linked to a similar reappearance of its original inspiration. With the reveal of what the Nintendo Switch console had to offer, publisher Konami also announced that Super Bomberman R would arrive on that platform. In fact, the frantic bomb-dropping title will be one of the few games to be ready for the Switch launch, on March 3, 2017. Unfortunately, Super Bomberman R will cost a full €49.99, which is quite the ask for a series that has sort of wilted away over the years. Konami previously acquired Hudson Soft in 2012 and ceased most of its properties since then. That’s where Bomb Buddies may prove to provide a more lenient, free option.

Bomb Buddies

Put on Steam Greenlight in 2012, Bomb Buddies was approved in 2014, but never picked up momentum. In the meantime, more Bomberman-inspired games were released, such as Bombing Bastards, which was serviceable, but ultimately only managed to receive a 60/100 in our review and a similar approval rate on Steam. While development for Bomb Buddies is picking back up, there’s no telling when the game will actually become available. Then again, Steam has become a lot more facilitating with releases, so it might arrive sooner as an Early Access title.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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