Doom Eternal Will Come to the Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch getting Doom Eternal

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 10, 2018

Bethesda has been releasing their games on the Nintendo Switch since the system's debut with Skyrim, Wolfenstein, and Doom. With Doom Eternal's gameplay now shown many wonders if the game will come to the Switch. Wonder no longer as id Software and Bethesda have confirmed a Nintendo Switch version of the game.

Doom Eternal,NoobFeed,id Software,

The Nintendo Switch version will launch alongside the Xbox One, PS4, and PC versions of the game. However, you should know that the Switch version of Doom could not run at 60fps like the other versions and be downgraded for the system. It's likely that Doom Eternal will have similar restrictions when it launches for the Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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