Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 PC Release and Square Enix's Legal Obligation

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 has been in development for nine months and will not launch on PC on day one.

News by SnowWhite on  Jan 25, 2025

Square Enix previously mentioned that they are actively working on a multi-platform release strategy. That being said, not every game will be in that situation—particularly if they have already made arrangements with PlayStation. That also seems to be the case with Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3. Square Enix's director and programmer Naoki Hamaguchi recently said in an interview that a deal with PlayStation obligates the company and is unsure about the PC launch of Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 on day one.

An interview with Kazushige Nojima and Naoki Hamaguchi, recently published on the 4Gamer, a Japanese gaming website, raised the idea that PC games are now ubiquitous in Japan. They asked, "Some may ask why Square Enix does not simultaneously release the PlayStation 5 and PC versions of Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3".

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3, PC, Launch, Interview, NoobFeed

"First and foremost, the Final Fantasy brand and franchise—and by implication, Square Enix—have established a very fruitful collaboration with Sony Interactive Entertainment," Naoki Hamaguchi said in response. "I really hope this continues. True, the world is moving away from the idea that there are benefits to playing games on a given platform with a specific set of hardware".

"In reality, SIE games are appearing in the market, with an increasing number of PC releases followed by PS5. This remake effort has helped us understand that, and the corporation has already stated its intention to make future IPs compatible with other platforms, so we should expect to see more of that in the future. Personally, I think it's a foregone conclusion that the PC and consumer versions will be launched simultaneously or very near to one other".

Now, obviously, Naoki Hamaguchi doesn't really claim that Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 will be on PC at the same time as the consoles; he just wants it to happen so more people may enjoy it. While Square Enix may have shown interest in this path, it is unclear if a contract pertaining to exclusivity—including timed exclusivity—is already in place with Sony. Even Naoki Hamaguchi isn't quite sure this will happen. His argument is more along the lines of wanting to do it and believing it's best for the franchise, both of which are valid.

Speaking about Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3, Naoki Hamaguchi said, "The development of Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 began in March and April of 2024, immediately after the launch of the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. So we've been working on it for approximately nine months already. We aimed to establish the game experience we were striving for in the final title of the remake project trilogy in 2024.

Plus, we succeeded in bringing the whole team together under the same goal. Starting in 2025, we will implement a solid strategy to gradually develop the full game. According to the plan we laid forth at the outset, development is moving along well. Please be patient; I am unable to provide a specific date for the release of further updates at this time".

In addition, Square Enix director Yoshinori Kitase said the following: "The pace of development changes depending on whether the story itself is solidified or not. This is true of big RPG projects with stories. Regarding the plot of the third book, I contacted Japanese video game scenario writer Mr. Nojima—who is most famous for penning many Final Fantasy games for Square Enix—and requested him to provide a little more satisfying chapter as a last chapter, which he did. I believe everything is going according to plan because it was finished the other day without any issues".

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3, PC, Launch, Interview, NoobFeed

This information is a major development since it signifies that the plot of Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3 is concluded. Also, Square Enix has spent nine months developing FF VII Remake Part 3, which is a positive update. They are creating the game itself, down to its essential components. Since the narrative is away, he is satisfied with the game's writing and the ending, and he thinks they can jump headfirst into finishing the game. Even if it's only pure speculation, we think we could hear about this game before the end of 2025.

4Gamer inquired further, "For those who have played FF7 Remake on PS4 and FF7 Rebirth on PS5, I think there may be some concerns that the third work will be for the next-generation consoles." "No, you can be certain about the next one," Hamaguchi replied; "this shouldn't be a worry. It is not going to be made for the PlayStation 6; it will be a PlayStation 5 game. As previously said, we will release future games on a wide variety of platforms so that more people may enjoy them," Hamaguchi noted. We are committed to making sure that a large audience plays our games, therefore we will try our best. However, I cannot make any promises at this time".

It's obvious why Square Enix would want to see their games available on every platform, especially Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 3. It's clear that they're completely devoted to this strategy. Given the circumstances, it is probable that there are contractual obligations. Sony must have reached an arrangement with Square Enix on whether this may be in the form of a PS5 exclusive or a timed exclusive. We can expect to see everything released on PC first if a deal is struck with PlayStation following this tire or this game. Fans won't be too upset if there is a PC release on day one since that's where the majority of players will likely be playing it.

Asura Kagawa

Editor, NoobFeed

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