Grand Theft Auto V Actors Recreate Scene In Real Life

Shawn Fonteno and Slink Johnson reprise their roles.

News by Fragnarok on  Jan 14, 2021

Actors Shawn Fonteno and Slink Johnson have teamed up with PlayStation Heaven to recreate an infamous Grand Theft Auto V scene, reprising their roles as protagonist Franklin Clinton and his friend Lamar Davis, respectively. In the scene Lamar gravely insults Franklin for his terrible haircut and the reason why ex-girlfriend Tanisha Jackson dumped him. Lamar then parts with a final up pitched N-word slur, leaving Franklin shocked and confused. The real life recreation sees the actors dressed in their character’s default clothing, with actions, lines, and camera angles all matching Grand Theft Auto V perfectly.

Grand Theft Auto|Shawn Fonteno|Slink Johnson|Franklin Clinton|Lamar Davis

While Grand Theft Auto V released back in 2013, the popularity of this one scene exploded during 2020 and turned into an internet meme. This included people using editing tools to replace Franklin and/or Lamar with other Grand Theft Auto characters, recreate the scene in other games and media, and all sorts of surreal and humorous offshoots. The PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X relaunches of the game have possibly played a part in the meme’s emergence.     

Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed

Kurtis Seid

Contributor, NoobFeed

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