Halo Infinite Multiplayer Free-to-Play, Campaign Launching 2021
Halo Infinite coming this year
News by Grayshadow on Jun 13, 2021
Halo Infinite has been one of the most anticipated and concerning titles from Microsoft since its debut and delay. Now Microsoft has confirmed the release window and revealed new multiplayer information about the title. Debuting multiplayer gameplay and that it'll be free-to-play.
The trailer highlighted that various new gameplay mechanics such as using a grappling hook to grasp weapons from afar, new abilities such as a shield that can reflect projectiles and charged energy pistols, and more speedy combat. More traditional Halo players will find the new gameplay to be less than appealing as 343 has taken notes from Call of Duty and Battlefield instead of classic Halo.
As for the campaign no gameplay was shown but new screenshots have been uploaded. Including a new look for an unknown AI that isn't Cortana but has her signature blue coloration. This most likely is one of the AIs that didn't side with Cortana and will fight alongside Master Chief.
Halo Infinite launches this Holiday 2021.
Adam Siddiqui,
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