Metal Gear Survive Has Microtransactions And Requires Internet Connection

A constant internet connection is necessary for Metal Gear Survive

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 18, 2018

Metal Gear Survive is the first entry in the series since Hideo Kojima parted ways with Konami back in 2015. A beta has started for those wishing to try the game before it launches next month. In addition, Konami has revealed the game will require a constant internet connection when it goes public and will include microtransactions.

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Since the Xbox One's reveal the debate against always online connection has been a negative one. Konami has stated that the online requirement is to ensure a "seamless" experience for both multiplayer and single-player along with providing "post-launch" content updates.

Fans have counter-argued this point saying if the game provides a dense single-player experience why is an internet connection required at all times. If the servers are shut down or a connection isn't strong enough does that mean players cannot access the game?

Like Metal Gear Solid: V The Phantom Pain microtransactions will be added to the game. According to GameSpot the in-game currency is called Coins and can be earned by playing the game or purchased to boost resource productions and increase Battle Point.

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Metal Gear Survive takes place in an alternate universe. Following the evacuation of Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller from Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. A wormhole opens in the sky and absorbs the offshore plant as well as the remaining Militaires Sans Frontières soldiers. The soldiers are transported to an alternate reality along with the remains of Mother Base, to find the world full of hostile, crystalline zombie-like entities known as "creatures". Their goal is to find materials and do anything they can to go back to their own world.

A beta is currently underway and will end on January 22nd.

Metal Gear Survive launches February 20th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. A free Day One Edition will include four gold-plated weapons, two additional gestures, four metallic survival scarves, the “Kabuki” face paint, a boxman “The Orange” accessory, and a Mother Base nameplate. A Digital Deluxe Edition will come with a digital soundtrack, a Cyborg Ninja head accessory, a gesture and a seven-day premium boost pass.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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