Monster Hunter Rise Is Coming to PlayStation and Xbox

Monster Hunter Rise is finally making its way to PlayStation and Xbox consoles after remaining on Switch and PC for so long.

News by LCLupus on  Dec 02, 2022

Monster Hunter Rise is finally going everywhere. The game has only been available on the Switch and PC until now, but on 20 January 2023, it will release on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Game Pass, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and the new enhanced version will release on PC. It had previously been on PC, but this is a newer, better version with a few additional features.

Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter, Capcom, PlayStation5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Game Pass, Latest, News

The game’s migration to other platforms was announced by Capcom, and this new version boasts 4K 60FPS gameplay and 3D audio. However, it has not come with a promise for crossplay across consoles. So, for those who needed the game on a more powerful device, other than the PC, will finally get to play this fantastic addition to the Monster Hunter series.

For those unfamiliar with the franchise, the Monster Hunter games are somewhat similar to the soulsbourne games in their dedication to interesting, multilayered bosses, but to an even heavier extent. You are, as the name may suggest, a monster hunter who must take down various monsters that are, in some way, a threat or prized in some way. The games tend to have a learning curve but then become addictive experiences you can play for ages without putting the controller down.

Alongside the game making it to other platforms, there is also news from the Monster Hunter team that the self-described “massive expansion” titled Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will release in Spring 2023. Considering the fact that the game will be on all platforms by then, this expansion should release across all platforms. It’s never been a better time to get into Monster Hunter, so what are you waiting for?

Justin van Huyssteen (@LC_Lupus)
Senior Editor, NoobFeed

Justin Van Huyssteen

Contributor, NoobFeed

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