No Plans for a Nintendo 3DS Successor According to Nintendo

The 3DS is going to be here for a while

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 08, 2017

Nintendo has some of the best handheld system and the Nintendo 3DS still stands strong in a market dominated by mobile platforms. With the release of the Nintendo Switch drawing closer many wonder if the 3DS will give way to a new handheld, and the answer from Nintendo is no.

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In an interview with Time when asked about a successor to the 3DS President of Nintendo Tatsumi Kimishima:

“We are not creating a successor to the 3DS right now. We are, however, still thinking of portable systems. We are thinking of ways that we will be able to continue bringing portable gaming systems out, so yes, we are thinking of different ways to continue the portable gaming business.”

Kimishima went on to discuss that Nintendo is looking into new technology but whether they have a team working on anything new is something he cannot say:

"We want Switch to sell for a long time, of course, and we hope it has really long legs. That said, technology, of course, advances quickly, and so I'm not going to say that we have a team working on the next thing. But we obviously have people looking at new technologies and thinking of new ideas even now as we speak."

With the Nintendo Switch Nintendo is mixing together home gaming and handheld gaming into one system. Whether this hybrid will lead into the next generation of handheld gaming will have to be seen when the system launches on March 3rd.

Source: Time

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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