PlayStation Plus November 2019 Selection Includes the Smash Hit Nioh

PlayStation Plus members can download Outlast 2 and Nioh this November

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 30, 2019

Sony is giving its PlayStation Plus subscribers an insane treat this week when November begins. With Outlast 2 and Nioh being provided for free to all PlayStation Plus subscribers.

Nioh,NoobFeed,PlayStation Plus 2019,

This insane selection of games tops Xbox Live Gold's selection for November 2019.

Outlast 2 is a sequel to the hit horror game Outlast that released in 2013. The game was mostly negatively received due to the game's overuse of linear chase sequences and cryptic story. However, the school sections were praised for having tense unsettling moments of horror that fans wanted from the sequel.

Nioh is from Team Ninja and follows an Irish sailor in the year 1600 named Edward Kelley. Edward is in pursuit of a sorcerer and must fight deadly warriors and yokai in this challenging title. Nioh was one of the biggest smash hits on the PS4 that physical copies were hard to find when it launched. Currently, a sequel is in development.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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