Resident Evil 7 Pre-Order Bonus Images Leaked

More content for Resident Evil 7 pre-orders, yes please

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 13, 2016

We already know that Resident Evil 7 will launch with pre-order DLC content that unlocks the game's hardest difficulty early and grants access to item packs. Now through leaked images from Swedish retailer Discshop we know what these items are.

Resident Evil 7,NoobFeed,Capcom,

Four different item packs are shown on Discshop: the Handgun Set, Recovery Set, Burner Set, and Chem Fluid Set. Nothing has been confirmed about these items but they do come with classic Resident Evil items such as herbs. 

The items match the ones sent from Capcom for those who subscribed to the official Resident Evil newsletter.

Resident Evil 7 is set to release on January 24th, 2017. Those who purchase the $80 deluxe edition will gain access to two pieces of DLC, the first being four short side stories and the second adds a new chapter to the main campaign.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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