Rumored that Batman won't be voiced by Kevin Conroy in Arkham Origins
Batman with a younger voice, maybe?
News by Grayshadow on Apr 29, 2013
It’s rumored that Kevin Conroy, the voice of Batman in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, will not be voicing the dark knight in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins. According to South African magazine, NAG, Warner Bros. Montreal passed on Conroy and wanted a younger actor to portray the cape crusader.
In an interview with Game Informer Geoff Johns said that "Arkham evokes a sense of insanity and chaos embodied in the twisted minds and colorful villains of the Batman universe. That had to start somewhere”. It does make a great deal of sense, Batman is younger and making him sound like his older self doesn’t seem logical. Like Johns said in the interview “It’s Batman before he’s good”.
Batman: Arkham Origins is slated for October 25th of this year and the companion game, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate will also be released on the same day for PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS.
Source: Game Informer, NAG
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