Sega Enters The NFT Business
Sega will begin selling its assets as digital tokens.
News by Fragnarok on Apr 28, 2021
Sega corporate has revealed that they will enter the NFT market. This will include the sale of marketing art, in-game graphics, and game music tracks via blockchain technology. This will extend to both classic franchises like Sonic and new products released by the company. To make this process go smoothly, Sega is teaming up with Double Jump Tokyo, an expert in the field. Sega feels that NFTs and the blockchain are a good investment that will grow in the future.
For the uninitiated, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique links that that identity “official” original copies of various media. This is then verified by a public blockchain record hosted by hundreds of thousands of computers across the world. However, accusations have arisen of thieves creating NFTs of unauthorized works and permanently stealing from their original artists. Critics have pointed out that like real art trading, NFTs have no real world value outside of a collector’s demand. This could result in unexpected market crashes or use in money laundering.
Fans of Sonic have been especially vocal about this decision. The constant need for thousands of computers for every calculation has required an exponential amount of electricity per month. This in turn has increased pollution output, the exact antitheses of Sonic’s message of a clean environment against rampant technology.
Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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