Spider-Man Director Confirms No Full Day Night Cycle

Sorry Spider-Man fans, no day or night cycle in Spider-Man PS4

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 16, 2018

Spider-Man PS4 is one of the most anticipated games of 2018 and for good reason. Insomniac Games have outdone themselves and have been steadily revealing small pieces of information regarding the game till its September release. With creative director Bryan Intihar confirming that it won't feature a full day or night cycle.

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Sony,

There is no full day night cycle

— Bryan Intihar (@bryanintihar) July 12, 2018

After being asked by a fan about the feature his reply was short.

This is most likely to keep the weather aligned with the game's story. However, after completing the game players can change the time and weather.

Spider-Man PS4 will release on September 7th for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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