Spider-Man: Miles Morales New Crimson Cowl Suit Revealed

Miles Morales' latest suit is the Crimson Cowl Suit

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 21, 2020

Spider-Man: Miles Morales will include plenty of outfits for players to choose from. With Insomniac Games providing small reveals and the latest being the Crimson Cowl Suit.

Spider-Man Miles Morales,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,

Wondering about this new Spider-Man and his suits? Daily Bugle Now has you covered with this latest story. #MilesMoralesPS5 #BeGreater #BeYourself pic.twitter.com/PTdMhGRQqq

— Insomniac Games (@insomniacgames) October 21, 2020

This suit will sport a crimson and blue coloration with a hood to complete the look. In addition, the developers gave players a look at the pre-order T.R.A.C.K. suit but not the second pre-order suit yet to be revealed.

Spider-Man Miles Morales,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,

Speaking of suits new suits were confirmed for the remastered version of Spider-Man such as The Amazing Spider-Man suit. With Insomniac confirming the suits will come to PS4 as well. What the other 2 costumes are is still a mystery.

I spent a bunch of time chasing this for you and I’m pleased to say they will come to PS4. Exact timing TBD

— James Stevenson (@JamesStevenson) October 21, 2020

Spider-Man: Miles Morales releases November 12 for PS4 and PS5.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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