Super Mario Odyssey Introduces Luigi In New Mode

New free mode coming to Super Mario Odyssey

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 11, 2018

Super Mario Odyssey is full of memorable moments and characters, however, Luigi was strangely absent in the game. Now Nintendo is giving Mario's younger brother a chance to join in the adventure with a new mode.

Super Mario Odyssey,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

Called Luigi's Baloon World this event will add 2 new modes called Hide It and Find It. Hide It has players hiding a limited amount of balloons throughout a world and Find It has you locating balloons hidden by other players.

In addition, Mario will gain access to new costumes including Sunshine Shades, The Musical Hate outfit, and Knight Helmet and armor.

Super Mario Odyssey is now available for Nintendo Switch.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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