The Walking Dead: The Final Season’ Demo Available on PS4 and Xbox One
Get a taste of Clementine's final adventure
News by Grayshadow on Aug 01, 2018
Back in July during San Diego Comic-Con, Telltale released the first footage for Telltale's The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episode 1 and now the demo of that same footage is available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
The demo opens up with Clementine and Alvin Junior looking for food in an abandoned home. Showing how Clementine's actions will mold A.J. similar to how Lee helped influence Clementine's behavior in season 1.
In addition, Telltale is offering all 19 episodes from past episodes from The Walking Dead for a 10% off the original price on Steam, GOG, GamersGate, and Humble Store.
Listed below are some of the features you will find in the upcoming The Walking Dead: The Final Season:
An emotional and devastating story: follow Clementine’s journey to the end. While she builds a new life, you will have to deal with new types of choices and live with the consequences while AJ observes you and learns from all your movements.
More control, more tension: A new camera system over the shoulder, more freedom to explore detailed environments and scenes with spontaneous combat capture the fear of living in a world plagued by the living dead and make The Walking Dead more engaging game up now.
New and attractive visual style: Graphic Black’s all-new artistic style rips the ink off the pages of the winning Eisner Award cartoon and brings the world of The Walking Dead to life like never before. It works with 4K resolution and high dynamic range in compatible devices
Telltale also added that over 50 million episodes have been sold from The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series since its debut.
The Walking Dead: The Final Season starts on August 14 on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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