Tifa Lockhart Finally Joins the Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Roster
Tifa Lockhart ready for the battles in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
News by Grayshadow on Jun 25, 2019
Tifa Lockhart has been all over the news lately regarding her chest size in Final Fantasy VII: Remake. But it's time for some overall positive news regarding the warrior monk, with Tifa joining the roster of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT.
Tifa will join the game on June 27th for the Japan-exclusive arcade version and then be offered in the PS4 and PC versions on July 3rd. She'll feature both her classic outfit, Kingdom Hearts version, and Final Fantasy VII: Remake look.
The gameplay footage shows Tifa fighting alongside Cloud against Sephiroth while using her iconic charging slot-based limit break. For those unaware, in Final Fantasy VII Tifa's limit breaks damage and hit were determined by a slot mini-game that decided whether each attack hit, made a critical hit, or missed. It also appears that Tifa will have access to both Fire and Ice materia.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is now available for PC and PS4 in both premium and free-to-play versions.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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