Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Will Distribute Cyberpunk 2077 in North America

Warner Bros and CD Projekt RED working together again to distribute Cyberpunk 2077

News by Grayshadow on  Oct 04, 2018

WB and CD Projekt RED have worked in the past to distribute their games, such as The Witcher 3: Wild HuntNow both companies are working together again to distribute Cyberpunk 2077 in the NA region.

Cyberpunk 2077,NoobFeedm

CD Projekt RED's Member of the Board and SVP, MichaÅ‚ Nowakowski, spoke about this partnership occurring once again and said the following:

“We’ve worked with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and both releases turned out to be really successful, so we’re entering this new stage of our cooperation with great confidence. Cyberpunk 2077 is our biggest and most ambitious project to date, and I’m really looking forward to all the amazing things we can achieve together.”

This will definitely ease the burden, financially, for the NA region of the game but now many are probably wondering, when is it going to come out!?

Cyberpunk 2077 is in development for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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