Yooka-Laylee Toybox Codes Going Out Today

Play Yooka-Laylee right now, if you were a backer that is

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 29, 2016

Those backed Yooka-Laylee on kickstarter enough to reach the tier that included the Toybox or Toybox+ should be receiving codes today.

Yooka-Laylee's Toybox is basically a self-contained sandbox trial where players can try Yooka-Laylee at its basic form. Players can interact with enemies, jump, and locate 100 Quills.

Developer by former Rare studio members Yooka-Laylee is meant to be a spirtual successor to the popular Banjo Kazooie series. The kickstarter project starting taking donations on May 1, 2015 and reached its funding goal of $270,000 in mere hours. The game finished at $2.7 million in donations and is set to release on Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, PC, Mac, and Linux in 2017.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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