Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 3 Hell is Empty Xbox One X Review

Life is Strange: Before the Storm reminds us what it's like to grow up as a teenager, and the mixture of joy and vexation that comes with finding out which path is worth taking

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Dec 21, 2017

Life is Strange: Before the Storm's final episode challenges the truth and how much harm it could bring. Going beyond a teenage love story Hell is Empty presents this problem to the player and allows them to choose whether blissful ignorance that could yield a wonderful life is better than the misery the truth brings. Hell is Empty sets up Chloe to make one of the most difficult decisions in the Life is Strange series and whether the road to happiness lies in honestly.

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In the 2 hour episode, Chloe is giving the power in a lot of situations that dramatically affects the lives of everyone around her. Rachel Amber still takes center stage as Chloe's friend and partner with the supporting cast adding little weight to this final chapter.

Truth and fiction constant sprout up throughout the episode if honesty is the best way to build trust or destroy it. The finale allows Chloe to choose which answer is best but tacks on a lot of the supporting cast. For example, David and Joyce's relationship is touched on and serves a greater purpose for those who experience the original Life is Strange. Setting up for the inevitable fallout that will transpire within Max and Chloe's adventure.

Hell is Empty does take a departure from the episodic formula by providing only one key choice. While there are decisions peppered in the episode that change the story only one choice is truly key here. However, it's the hardest decision that Chloe will have to make.

Life is Strange,Before the Storm,NoobFeed,Hell is Empty,Deck Nine,

What made this one decision profound was that all the previous episodes built up to this. Everything involving Chloe and Rachel's trust, Rachel's relationship with her parents, and their future together lead up to this decision. This made the supporting characters bleed into the background but considering that the main focus for this entire prequel was Chloe and Rachel it made sense seeing that the choice was heavily concentrated on them.

Gameplay wise Hell is Empty doesn't stray from the established formula. You'll solve basic puzzles, tag walls with graffiti, and become a junior detective. Backtalk returns for one uneasy encounter as Chloe attempt to defend herself using clever words and misdirection. 

Hell is Empty is a beautiful journey that captures Chloe's journey before the events of Life is Strange. Exploration the directionless teenager as she meets a special person that changes the course of her life while exploring themes of love, loss, and finding one's self. Even with its issues Deck Nine has taken Chloe Price and made her into someone to empathize and relate to. Life is Strange: Before the Storm reminds us what it's like to grow up as a teenager, and the mixture of joy and vexation that comes with finding out which path is worth taking.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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