Chasm PlayStation 4 Pro Review
Chasm is a challenging and variable game full of impressive moments.
Reviewed by Grayshadow on Aug 01, 2018
Much of Chasm's appeal comes from the random nature of the adventure. The procedurally generated Metroidvania world creates a dynamic situation where combat and exploration are always surprising. Twisted confinements in this underground lair littered with all matter of dangerous creatures and environmental hazards form a deadly dance of evading and slashing. Some of the random environments can link together for vexing platforming challenges and lopsided enemy variety but the tension created by Chasm's chance placement means that nothing you encounter is expected.
You take control of a recruit from the Guildean Kingdom. Yearning to prove your worth you head into a mine that has been shut down but is still vital to the kingdom. When entering the town you learn that the townspeople have disappeared and supernatural creatures have kidnapped them all. You must enter the labyrinth and save the people inside.
Journals help expand the story by providing insight into the story. Townspeople you rescue also give a small dose of the world around you, but ultimately it is unremarkable. Must of the appeal comes from the gameplay.
Melee serves the primary form of combat. With a variety of swords, hammers, knives, and other short ranged weapons players must rely on the timing of their attacks to maximize damage. Enemies themselves are bound to specific tactics. Using the right weapon will make the experience easier but understanding their movement creates openings that you must capitalize on. This is paramount during the beginning as death can happen instantly.
Chasm can be difficult. Enemies tend to have a large amount of health compared to the protagonist. Where a single fatal blow can mean death, and with spread out save points death can mean losing a lot of progress. This issue does become easier to deal with as you earn more items and boost your skills.
Bosses are a formidable threat, especially in the early hours. Since everything is random you can face enemies you're not prepared for skill wise. This is a matter of preference as some players will do well against specific bosses over others, but none of them felt enormously cheap. Much of fights come down to preference.
As you kill enemies you'll earn experience along with weapons and equipment to wear. You can customize your playstyle to suit your preference whether it's slow and powerful or quick and nimble. Ranged weapons include an array of options such as shurikens and Molotov cocktails. If you feel cornered, food and potions can be stacked for healing during intense battles.
The randomness of Chasm is the game's strength and weakness. The levels didn't have the same care and elaborate construction you would find from hand developed stages. In addition, seeing the same platforms and ladders begins to dry out the experience but like many procedurally generated games, you can either get stages that are too easy or way too unfair. It isn't uncommon to get an absurd collection of enemies or platforming challenges that require perfect reaction time. While the 90 different enemies did keep things fresh having them cluster together with taxing jumps full of hazards where avoiding damage isn't possible just comes off as annoying.
The pixel art of Chasm is amazing. Even with the repeated structures and designs the enemies move and look extraordinary. While some are generic like giant bees it's clear everything was designed with care.
Chasm is a well-crafted and intense 12-hour adventure. Even with its flaws, those who enjoy Metroidvania games will get a lot of value out of this adventure. The shifting levels and constant mystery of what you can encounter make speedruns unpredictable and interesting, even if sometimes it can be cruel. Chasm is a challenging and variable game full of impressive moments.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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