Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road

Lonesome Road isn’t the most appealing DLC.

Reviewed by Grayshadow on  Sep 24, 2011

Lonesome Road is the fourth downloadable pack for Fallout: New Vegas. Like all pervious New Vegas DLC packs, Lonesome Road raises the level cap by 5, starts with a transmission, and prevents companions from ending the new location. However unlike previous DLC packs Lonesome Road don’t have an opening narrative, your equipment is not limited, and has a linear structure. Throughout the entire playthrough I found the DLC entertaining, engaging, and satisfying.

Fallout, New Vegas, Lonesome Road, Review

Lonesome Road beings the Courier into a new location known as the Divide, a landscape ripped apart by earthquakes and violent storms. When entering this new location you are greeted from the sixth original courier from the main story line who refused to deliver the Platinum chip. The sixth courier chooses to known as Ulysses, a man who he respects greatly, and tasks you in traversing throughout the Divide. Ulysses offers to reveal something about your past is agree to meet with him. ED-E will accompany you in this journey and open up more aspects into your tiny companion’s past. The road paved in the Divide is a long and difficult one that yields great reward and punishment for those who dare traverse it.

Lonesome Road definitely differs from pervious DLC packs in the atmosphere of the Divide. As travel through the ravage landscape you will be exposed to surging dust, demolished buildings and tunnels, and mutated foes. Even though the location has some appealing aspects it seems that the developers combined the environments of Honest Hearts and the Mojave to create something in-between.

Lonesome Road is a linear that will either appeal to gamers or become an annoyance to others. Each location you transverse opens new dialogue between Ulysses and the courier that goes deeper into the past of both the courier. And sometimes each new area will open new dialogue about ED-E’s past. You will complete similar objectives seen throughout Fallout: New Vegas such as collecting items pertaining to Ulysses past, upgrades for ED-E, and destroying old Warheads. The main objective is shallow as well. It only requires the player to move from point A to point B without dying. However when you reach to end of your quest a difficult decision, traditional to Fallout: New Vegas, will have to be made. There are new items and enemies to encounter such as the Arc Wielder that sprays electric energy at your enemies and the Marksmen who are red-ghouls. Their nothing outstanding here expect a standard linear adventure.

Fallout, New Vegas, Lonesome Road, Review

Lonesome Road isn’t the most appealing DLC. Ulysses as a character was very entertaining and engaging with his historical mindset. The way the developers included aspects from other contents of New Vegas such as Old World Blues to use within this DLC added a connection between the game and the DLCs. It was annoying that the objectives and sub-objectives remain the same and the overall story wasn’t as appealing when I finished and wondered what exactly the purpose of the journey was. There are a lot of valuable items here such as money, weapons, and experience but nothing spectacular.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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